Submitted by: Rachel
At 20 weeks we went in for our anatomy scan. It was a little boy, but the ventricles in his brain were enlarged. We were referred to maternal fetal medicine, then the children’s hospital of Philadelphia.
The results… he had a rare genetic disorder, trisomy 12p. He would never speak, walk, know us — his parents. We would have to do everything for him, his whole life… the short life they projected. He would never eat by himself, go to the bathroom, have a job, or a relationship. His quality of life would be extremely limited.
And with that we had to make a decision, the hardest decision we would ever make. No one is ever ready or prepared for it. We did what we thought was best. Our son did not deserve to live a life of pain and suffering, so we chose to end it for him. All he knew was his mammas warm, safe, loving womb. We live with the pain everyday but in our hearts we knew we did was best for our beautiful boy. He will always be loved and remembered.
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