9 week surgical abortion-positive experience

no matter what happened, i love you surgical abortion can't go back

Note: The Exhale Pro-Voice After-Abortion Stories Hub includes people’s stories of their experiences and emotions, exactly as they have written them in. We do not edit these stories at all, and the content that follows this message is exactly as we received it. We know that people’s experiences are complex, and these stories reflect the many emotions they may be feeling after their abortions. From relief to grief, and everything in between, and all at the same time, we’re here for you.

I wanted to share my experience with everyone of my abortion at 9 1/2 weeks, mostly because it was as positive an experience as something like this could be.

I had decided to do a medical (pill) abortion at first, but then changed my mind. I am very glad I did. At first it seems like swallowing a pill, and then just sitting on the toilet at home would be the least stressful way to do it. But my experience with surgical abortion made me very glad that I didn’t choose a way that would have taken hours, if not a full day, and would have put me in pain for much longer.

There are four parts to a surgical abortion. They do a health screening and a vaginal ultrasound to confirm the date of conception, they talk with you to explain the procedure and allow you to voice questions or concerns, they perform the procedure, and they bring you to the recovery room. While I was told I would be there for 3.5-6 hours, I was actually there for 2.75 hours. I waited twenty minutes on arrival, ten minutes between the ultrasound and the talk, and half an hour between the talk and the procedure. The procedure itself only took 15 minutes.

The walls were bright colors, there was nice music in the background in all the rooms, and there was a large, friendly staff including people who were just there for support. I think there were a few volunteers as well.

The vaginal ultrasound was not painful at all. It was just a stick, kind of like a dildo. There were no sounds, like a heartbeat (which I had been worried about) and I didn’t see the screen (though they do ask you if you want to see the screen).

The talk was very straightforward, they tell you how it works, and what to expect. They give you antibiotics, anti-nausea medication, and Tylenol. Apparently many people also take anti-anxiety medications and additional medications that provide mild sedation. I was very glad that I chose NOT to take those medicines (although I guess that is rare). I was able to function the rest of the day, and I didn’t have the strong nausea and vomiting that everyone I saw who took the sedation meds had. I guess that is a possible side affect?

The procedure was performed by a female (everyone was female) doctor in her mid 60s, she was very experienced. She had an apprentice who was learning by her side. They asked my permission to bring her into the room. I was very glad to oblige…when the main Doc was born, abortion was a criminal act. Now, I could simply check in at the front desk, and receive support and assistance from skilled professionals. I felt thankful for this.

There was a third woman in the room just to act as support, she explained the procedure as it occurred, reminded me to breath, and offered a hand to squeeze if I needed it, but it was over almost before it began.

The most painful part was the dilation of my cervix. They inserted the speculum, and gave me a numbing drug in the cervix. The needle for the numbing agent was a very, very sharp pain, however I am sure it would have been much worse if they hadn’t numbed it.

I had at first been skeptical of the surgical abortion because of the description of the vacuum. I imagined horrible sensations of things being ripped out of me by suction. That was not at all the sensation. Not even close.

What actually happened was that as they dilated my cervix I began to get very, very, very strong cramps. I started to breath very intensely in my nose and out my mouth. I basically narrowed my mind to only focusing on my breath: In and out. The cramps became stronger. If the worst period cramps were a 5 on the scale of 1-10 pain, these cramps were about a 7. I focused only on my breath, in and out. I heard the sound of a machine turn on in the background for what felt like 5 seconds, felt a very gentle, almost imperceptible tug, and then heard it turn off. Suddenly I realized it was over. I asked…is that it? They said yep! The only sensation I felt was cramps a bit stronger than period cramps, and a very brief, gentle tug. It was incredibly quick.

I was brought to the recovery room, where the most painful part occurred. This is simply because I had the same level of cramps that I had had during the procedure, but just for a longer time. I was at a level 7 for about 10 minutes. However they gave me a second anti-nausea pill, I laid back in a big recliner, they gave me a nice heating pad, and I closed my eyes and breathed in and out. I was there for the longest time of any part of the day. I spent about 45 minutes there. They checked in on me every 15 minutes, and did not rush me at all. Eventually I felt well enough to sit up and eat some cheese-its. Then they asked me to report on the level of bleeding on the pad they had given me, which was light. I was then around a level 4 in pain. When I got to a level 3, I called my partner Bill to let him know I was ready. Then I went to the bathroom, and checked out.

I was starving when I got out, and inhaled two slices of artisan mashed potato chive and bacon pizza. This was delicious, but probably a mistake. The pressure on my uterus increased the cramping to a 4, and there was a bumpy ride back home on back roads. At home, I laid down with a heating pad and watched Netflix. I then took Tylenol again at 2pm and that helped a lot with the cramping. I was able to getup around 3:30 and spend the rest of the day relaxing at home. I changed pads and rinsed my vagina with warm water before bed. When I woke up the next day I had no cramping, just a bit of spotting. By noon the spotting was over. My breasts had also completely lost their taut, pregnant feeling overnight, and I had no nausea or stomach sensitivity.

I was actually surprised by how quick and relatively painless the whole thing had been. Like I said before, from what I’ve read medical abortion takes a long time, and is painful, and you are alone or with a friend who has no medical training, plus there’s a possibility of you looking in the toilet. When you have a surgical abortion, you have trained medical staff helping you every step of the way, checking in, taking your blood pressure, and the equipment has a cover on it. I only saw a tiny bit of blood in the wash sink as they were cleaning the equipment. I would strongly recommend surgical abortion for anyone.

I wanted to share this experience with everyone because before my abortion I felt very nervous. I only slept 3 hours the night before. I came to this website trying to make up my mind about a lot of things. I am lucky, I know, to have no doubts or regrets about the decision, and to have experienced extremely little pain or bleeding. However, once I went through the door to Planned Parenthood, I felt nothing but support and understanding and safety from the incredible community of women who run this organization. I am grateful to have had as positive an experience as I could have, and I hope that my story will assuage some of your anxiety or answer some of your questions.

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64 responses to “9 week surgical abortion-positive experience”

  1. Shay

    I had 2 surgical abortions. One when I was 20…I was 6 weeks and didn’t experience any pain at all. Im now 26 and had another abortion today, I was 13 weeks. They had me insert 4 meds up my vagina and they put numbing cream In me…. the meds had me cramp really bad I could barely move..once the procedure started, the pain was so bad I cried and scream till it was over with. The doctor beside me was extremely nice and let me hold her hand but overall it was the worst pain ever. I don’t wish it on my worst enemy

  2. Jane doe

    Im 14 years old in Ohio and today i got my surgical abortion (D&C) done at planned parenthood about 3-4 hours ago lets just say it took a long and sad process.
    -Judicial Bypass: with me being an under age minor I was told I to have parent or Guardian come with me but I didnt want my mom to know so i got a judicial bypass it was quite a process for me going to 2 clinics to obtain information about abortion and get judged by a judge to see if they feel i was mature enough luckily she thought i was and i was granted the judicial bypass.
    -Abortion procedure: there are 2 different ways you can get an abortion (medical abortion/chemical abortion) or (surgical abortion/ in clinic abortion) i chose the surgical abortion because its so much less painful and very very quick. This is my personal experience everyone is different and not everyone had the same pain tolerance

    1. Alicia

      Hi guys. I go to get my surgical abortion a week from now. I’m so nervous. I’ve never had a sedative before, and it some drugs before. And they told me they would be administering fentanyl in my IV to help keep me relaxed. I’m really nervous since I’ve never been high before lol. Is that silly to worry about? If anyone has some advice, would be appreciated thank you

      1. Alexa

        Hi there,

        I came to this website before I had my procedure as I was so incredibly scared. I’m glad I read this post as it calmed my nerves somewhat but my experience was much more smooth than this.

        There was no need for me to be anxious because the procedure was so incredibly smooth which I’ll delve into shortly.

        I had guilt for going through the process but in hindsight I realise that women deserve the choice and know what’s best for them, it’s not like it’s ever a careless snap decision.

        As for the procedure, I’m from Australia and I’m sure every country and clinic is different.

        My experience was:
        – I filled out some forms
        – The doctor consulted me, asked me if I was sure I wanted to proceed and did an ultrasound. She asked if I wanted to see the ultrasound, I said no (this was the best for me emotionally)
        – A nurse weighed me and took my blood pressure
        – An anaesthetist asked me some questions and told me I was going to be put to sleep for the procedure.
        – I got into the theatre, put my legs in stirrups and the anaesthetist injected me in the arm with something that made me relax and then all of a sudden I just fell asleep (nothing hurt, it feels like a blood test)
        – I then woke up shortly after and everything was done
        – I rested for about 30 mins and was done!
        – My partner picked me up and I was in and out in about 2 hours (this seemed incredibly quick)
        – I had some bleeding but nothing major
        – That day I felt rather groggy but I was so incredibly relieved

        It’s now 3 days post the procedure and I’m feeling fine, I’m back at work and being very kind to myself.

        I know everyone is different and procedures are different but I wish I read something positive like my experience.

        You are so strong to go through this and you’ll be ok <3

  3. Grace

    I have my appointment booked for next week and I’m absolutely terrified. I’ve been reading people’s experiences but I’ve convinced myself that mine is going to be extremely painful and terrible. I have really bad anxiety and thinking about it just makes me cry. I’m really happy there’s an outlet for stories like these, I appreciate all of you. I’ll be going on 10 weeks I believe when I have it done.

  4. Jackie

    Hello, I’m so grateful for everyone who’s shared their experiences. I have my surgical abortion scheduled for Monday (tomorrow) as it’s currently 2am. I’ve really just been so nervous for the pain, mainly the cervix injections, considering I have a really low pain tolerance. I was told I’d be under conscious sedation & w/ all the replies of that, they seem to be positive so I do hope it goes well for me as well. I will try to come back and comment on how it went. I still am pretty nervous. I hope everyone else who sees this & will be going through the same, has a positive non-painful experience as well.

    1. Grace

      How did it go?

  5. Aliyah Morgan

    This is going to be my second procedure on Saturday and I’m nervous!!! Mainly because sometimes things don’t always happen the same way. What I mean is, my 1st procedure was a piece of cake. I walked in the pp clinic with my head high, BRAVE! Laid on the table like I’m about to get a Pap smear. I got the sedation & after that I was talking with the nurses, they complimented me on how nice my veins were and I said that’s what all the doctors tell me! We all laughed and just like that, I was knocked out !!!!. Next thing you know I woke back up to them helping me up and walking me to the recovery room. I didn’t have pain at all!! They sent me home with pain pills that I didn’t even need! The full bottle of pain pills are still sitting in my cabinet today…. I’m just extremely nervous this second go round because I really want my experience to be the same. It’s like a box a chocolate, you never know what you’re gonna get!! Wish me luck! & I’m wishing all of you ladies luck!!! We got this!

    1. Jessica

      Good luck girl. I have to go for my first one and im freaking out. I have a subchronoic hemorrhage(a bleed behind the sac) and its causing too many complications, my doctor said it was best to terminate because I would end up miscarrying anyway and this process is safer because it would remove the hemorrhage

  6. Naomi Mensah

    Today was my surgery. It was very nerve wracking. I had initially scheduled an appointment on Monday for the pill but unfortunately I was 4 days over. You can only have the pill on 11 weeks. They told me that my next option will have to be the surgical procedure. I was so devastated, I didn’t know if me doing the surgical procedure will cause any complications in the future or if I’ll have blood cots on my uterus. Today was my procedure and I had decided to be put to sleep, I couldn’t bare to see the procedure being done. The process was quick I was asked to change my clothes to the hospital attire and I was asked to lay down, they noticed my heart rate was beating fast and asked if everything was okay and to come down. As I laid down the nurse held my hand and a Iv needled was put in with the anesthesia. I woke up in the recovery room and the cramps pain were intense. They gave me pills and asked to check how I was bleeding and bleeding regular. No one ever prepares you for this decision but I hope God forgives me and gives me another chance to be a mother one day. Thank you for this website it truly help with coping and hearing others experiences

  7. Lenox

    Ladies do not be afraid of the clinical procedure!! I just came out of one! The only thing is just cramping and pressure in there. This lasts 3 to 4 minutes and they talk to you the whole time. If you have had the Covid test through the nose just imagine that down there. It really isn’t bad just one minute of discomfort but no pain ladies!:) don’t be scared this is the most effective way and the ladies here help you out with any worries you might have!

    1. Charity

      How was your bleeding afterwards I just had mine 24hrs ago, is what I’m experiencing normal?

    2. Thanks for post really helped me right now to be brave and make appointment

  8. Prim

    I just had it done and I was really nervous. I had no pain medication and the cervix shot I didn’t even feel a pinch, the workers made me feel very comfortable. I was told it was going to hurt because I’m 11 weeks and they suggested I get pain relief but I had no driver, surprisingly I felt nothing but light cramps while the procedure was being done. I didn’t feel a slight cramp after everything was done I got to go home after 15 minutes of being in the recovery. I’m glad I got it done I feel relief, if anyone is scared don’t be it’s not bad at all!

    1. Ivy

      So you did the surgical abortion with mo medication at carafem?

      1. Becky

        I am having this procedure done tomorrow morning and this has really put my mind at ease – I had a failed medical abortion two weeks ago so am now having to go in for the surgical procedure and I’m pretty anxious about being awake for the whole thing. Your testimony has really helped, the docs tell you a lot but I wanted to hear it from someone who’s been there!
        Thank you x

        1. Andrea Gallego

          I am getting this done next week and was so torn between medical and surgical . This really made me feel better.

          Thank you!

          1. Lemyza

            Please how was it I don’t know which to pick I have both scheduled

      2. Hanna

        I am getting one done Tommrow I’m 9 weeks and a few days first time ever getting this done I have so much anxiety about this

        1. Lemyza

          How was it I’m scheduled for the pill Tuesday but I am so scared I am 5 weeks pregnant I also have the surgical scheduled Friday I just don’t know what to pick. I feel like I’m slowly dying inside. I can’t eat or sleep.. please I hope u read my message

          1. Alicia

            How was the pain? I’m also 9 weeks and I’m terrible for tolerating pain

    2. Jaziah

      I had the surgical abortion yesterday afternoon and honestly it wasn’t as bad as people have described to me or even how the research seemed. The doctors kept saying how good I was doing & kept asking if I felt any kind of pain because I had a joker face on lol… honestly I’m not good with pain but on a scale from 1-10 the pain was probably a 7 but not to the point where I was going to cry. It was a great experience for me!

    3. Brianna

      Thank you ladies SO much for sharing your experiences. I opted for the surgical abortion because it seemed a lot less mentally straining than doing it at home. I was having a lot of doubts and anxieties, however after reading your responses. I feel comfortable and confident in my original decision. Thank you for the peace of mind. I appreciate it so much.

  9. B

    Thank you so much for writing this. My period is late, and I’ve been frantically googling things for days, trying to learn about my options. I’m so thankful we have choices.

  10. Angie P

    Today I went in for an aspiration abortion. Man was I SCARED! TERRIFIED, actually!
    The most nerve racking part is talking with them, waiting in the waiting room and getting the IV before the procedure. I sware to you guys, I didn’t feel a thing. I thought the lidocaine shots would hurt, but it didn’t.
    I only felt a few tugs and that was it. I was so surprised when they told me it was over. What a relief! Please don’t be scared! It’s so easy!

    I was going to take the pills at home first, but I read endless reviews about how excruciating it was. I’ve had a miscarriage before and it was labor pain like cramps for hours! I am so glad I went with the aspiration abortion rather than the medical. It’s really so easy! Planned parenthood was amazing!!

    1. Emily

      Thank you so much for this thread.
      Im a very young woman, barely an adult, and I will be getting this procedure soon. I’m so so nervous. Can anyone advise me about the needle in the cervix ? That’s the bit I’m freaking out about as well as the whole general thing. I know this is the right thing to do but I regret that I’m in this situation at all, did you feel relief afterwards?

  11. Susan

    A couple of years ago I had gotten a medical abortion. Worst pain in my life. I thought take a pill and it’s over with how easy but that wasn’t the case. I had gotten a shot in the arm while at the clinic and prescribed 4 pills in insert into my vag 3 days later will I was home. After inserting the pills I thought that was it. About 2 hours later I felt cramps coming very suddenly they were on a scale form 1-10 about 5 but they came constantly about every 30 minutes then the pain increased they were coming quicker and quicker as if I was in labor. The pain had gotten so bad I was sure I couldn’t handle it I was in my bed feeling like I was dying. At this point the cramps didn’t stop I didn’t know what was going on. On a pain scale from 1-10 I was probably at a 13 and I have pretty high pain tolerance. There was so much bleeding. Judge blood clots. Every time I would go sit on the toilet I would pass huge blood clots I would look to see if the baby had passed. This pain went on for about 5-6 hours and then it was over. I bleed for about 1 week almost 2 weeks. I did see the fetus pass while I was looking in the toilet later the next day. Such a horrible experience and the pain I will never forgot. I’ve done research and I would strongly suggest the surgical procedure instead

  12. Abby

    I, too, opted for a surgical abortion. I was 7 weeks & 3 days. I spent about 5 hours at the clinic (I’d recommend packing a lunch). I was given an antibiotic and moderate sedative (Fentanyl) . The entire staff at PP was amazing. My support person was able to go back with me. The process was quick, but my cervix was not numbed prior to the abortion procedure. It was very painful, but again, QUICK. On a scale from 1/10 it was a solid 10. After the procedure I experienced little to no pain. Just slight cramping and some nausea (likely my pre-existing morning sickness). All the women watching over me were gems. I’m resting now, 4 hours later and only have some light bleeding. Zero pain whatsoever. So, while the abortion itself was incredibly uncomfortable, everything else has been great. Oh, and the sedative caused me no side effects, but I’m not sure it was necessary. Wishing you all the best. You can do this. It’s so simple & quick. Big hugs.

    1. Caya

      I just had my surgical abortion done yesterday. I was also 7 weeks and 3 days. I was at the clinic for a total of 7 hrs which was to be expected seeing as they had 80 patients that day. The whole process was very long. I thought the day would never end. I was nervous going into it bc the clinic I went to had horrible reviews on google. But to my surprise everyone was amazing. The staff was super sweet. And the women I met there made the time go by faster. On a scale of 1-10, it was a solid 10 as well. They did not sedate me but they “numbed” my cervix before hand…that didn’t really seem like it worked very well. Even though the procedure itself wasn’t long, the pain made it seem like a lot worse than what it actually was. It’s the next day I’m feeling a lot better. Still feeling a little queasy but I know that will subside in the next day or two. Overall my experience was better than I thought it would go. My advice to someone who is having a surgical abortion…depending on where you go and if they will sedate you or not, make you sure you bring some snacks with you. It makes taking the meds they give you not so horrible. Also ask questions if you’re scared like I was. And make yourself busy by talking to the other women there or bring someone you trust with you. Bring a book even. And do your research before you go.

    2. Krista M Petersen

      I have a surgical abortion tomorrow at PP. Do they offer you pain medication for AFTER the procedure? To take home?

  13. Elisa

    This was a great read. I have an appointment on the 19th, first pregnancy, never felt so many emotions to include stress. Resting heart rate has been consistently 150/90, no sleep or appetite and basically turning into a walking emotional time bomb. Reading about a real, detailed experience, is somehow calming me down. Thank you for sharing & thankful for everyone who replied.

  14. BJ

    This was wonderful. Thanks for sharing, I just recently had one as well. I was only at the clinic for 3.5 hrs, the staff was so kind and it was a very comfortable experience. I felt absolutely no pain, and the procedure was short. Mine was done at 9 weeks.

  15. Christy

    I’m curious to know has anybody had both procedures been in office one and the one when you take the set of pills at home and what were the outcomes or side effects your answer would be greatly appreciated thank you ladies.

    1. BJ

      I have not, but I had a friend who did. If you really want a private, non invasive abortion then I’d recommend it. But it is very painful, it’s not quick, and it can be way more emotionally difficult. Trust me, I thought long and hard about it, and I’m so glad I chose surgical, the support system at the clinic gave me strength and confidence in my decision.

      1. Jackie

        Loved reading this! A few months ago I had a medical abortion, using the pills. It was an experience I probably never want to go through again. It’s uncomfortable and it’s scary bleeding that much and passing clots on your own. Plus I bleed heavily for a week and half after which just made me feel horrible. I have no idea how but I’m pregnant again and obviously only a few months after the 1st uh-oh so I’m choosing to do the vacuum aspiration this time because it seems quicker and less drawn out. Never feel bad for making the best decision for yourself. I got off birth control due to depression and was told that it would take months for my cycles to normalize because I had been on birth control for 10 years and yet a month off it I got pregnant. Getting a non hormonal IUD this time to be safe.

    2. Heather

      I have done both the medical and surgical. Both times i did the pill it failed and i was still pregnant at the end of the 2 weeks. I was miserable and would never do the pill abortion again. The surgical was easy and painless. I had conscious sedation and didn’t feel anything.

      1. Lilo

        So I’m from Germany and I just thought to share my experience with the surgical abortion I have undergone 2 days ago. I was 8 weeks pregnant. Did the counseling required and made the appointment. I was at the clinic for about 2 hours. 1 hour waiting, paperwork, a talk with the doctors about the procedure and the aftercare. The whole process was around 15 mins and I spent 45 mins in the recovery room, drinking tea and eating biscuits. I have no recollection of the procedure because they gave me full anesthesia which I’m grateful for. I only remember laying on the table, my blood pressure being checked and being given the anesthesia. It wasn’t painful at all but then again my pain level is pretty high. Anyway, I was advised not to travel alone, or do any activity for at least 24h. I was given antibiotics to take in the morning and evening for 5 days to prevent any infection. I do have light cramps and light bleeding which is normal. I’ll be resting for a week just to be safe.
        In case of heavy bleeding like soaking multiple pads in just few hours, or having fever and such, I should contact the clinic immediately.

        The process was painless though. And thankfully my mental health is okay. Just hoping for the bleeding and cramps to dissappear so I can continue life as before. Also I had to make an appointment with my ob gyno in 2 weeks for a couple of check up.
        Here in Germany, the law says up to 8 weeks you can perform the medical abortion, and up to 12 weeks surgical abortion. I opted for surgical because I didn’t want to feel or see anything to be frank. Glad I made that decision.

    3. Nikki

      I’m having a surgical abortion tomorrow morning. I am so nervous I don’t have a driver so I won’t have any type of sedation. I opted for the pill but after reading to many bad stories I changed my mind.

  16. Cici83

    Omg thank u so much for sharing this story .i am so afraid. My procedure is tomorrow and i really want to be asleep since I’m scared to feel anything .but the reality is i really cannot afford it. It’s like 2 hundred more the the local anesthesia.. So i been online looking for some info about how it feels to be awake and i finally came across your story and im almost more comfortable with doing it awake. I can handle some pain , but not a lot..especially right now cause im having bad pressure and cramping already in my abdomen.. I hope they will let me change my option i already chose being that’s it’s tomorrow.

    1. Sese

      Omg I’m so happy I seen this..my procedure is Saturday and I’m scared as hell..how did it go for you? Please tell me the truth because I am a big chicken when it comes to pain..

      1. F.B.

        How did it go? My appointment is Wednesday and I’m a nervous wreck. I go back and forth with being ok and then just crying in fear. I’m more worried about afterward and hemorrhaging. My miscarriage at 17 was so painful and my daughters birth ending in me almost needing a blood transfusion. I’m just terrified.

      2. Lemyza

        How did it go:(

  17. Oh dear thanks for sharing your experience. U have really given me a way to go

  18. Maya

    How was it leading up to the abortion for you? Did you show a lot, were you in a lot of pain, did you drink at all, did you hide it and if so how?

  19. Liz

    It’s like I was reading through my own experience just last week. Thank you for sharing, I know as I decided which was the better option for me I was skeptical about the surgical abortion being less painful. I’ve had miscarriages before and thought I’d be able to handle the pain but the more I thought about it I ended up deciding to just get it over with instead of dragging it out for another day or 2 possibly. I experienced little pain, felt like I was in and out the room in less than 5 minutes and even had an IUD put in.

  20. Kaila

    This story has brought me so much relief . I truly appreciate you sharing your experience.

  21. Emily m

    Thank you so much for your story. I feel a lot less stressed now. I still have two weeks until my first appointment and I’m so nervous x

  22. Emma

    Thanks i kinda feel better…

    1. Chloe

      I had my surgical procedure done yesterday. It was a very tough experience for me as I did not want to have to do it, but it had to be done. I chose local anesthetic. They gave me 3 injections in my cervix. They were very painful. Dilation was painful as well. I couldn’t focus on my breathing and my body went into a state of shock and I couldn’t stop shaking. But that was the worst part. It reminded me of labor for my son. The vacuuming wasn’t even bad, it was the least painful part of the entire process. As bad as it was, it was quick.
      My cramps were about a 4/5 in the recovery room. I sat for maybe 5 mins before I was able to leave.
      It’s going to be a while for me to get over all of it but I’m glad I had the choice.

  23. Kayla

    Thank you for giving your honest story. You are calming my anxiety incredibly for my procedure tomorrow.

    1. Karabo

      Thanks for the story after reading this am not scared any more I thought of surgical is to painful than medical pill

    2. Chris

      Very helpful indeed, so how long did it take u get your period

  24. Karen

    This is very helpful thank you!

  25. Jeanelle

    Thank you. This makes me feel less anxious already!

  26. Star

    Thank you for this??

  27. Mina

    This is great information and very accurate based on my own experiences. This is really helpful for anyone that is about to experience a surgical abortion.

    1. Molly Campbell

      I wanted to post my experience with suction abortion as I had mine yesterday morning and I was terrified about it. I looked online for what felt like days trying to find people’s experiences and I couldn’t really find too much.

      I had my abortion at 6 weeks 6days. From the moment I found out I was pregnant I knew this was the only option I wanted to take as I know of close friends that have done the pill abortion and how much of a horric experince it was for them.
      I found out I was pregnant at 3 weeks and took only half an hour to call the abortion clinic to book it. Me and my partner have had many chats over the past 9 years about what would do if I was to ever fall pregnant and this seemed to be the only option for us at this time in our life.

      So I called and booed my first appointment I had to wait two weeks for my first appointment.
      I went in saw a lovley lady and spoke about what had happened I had blood test to test my blood, a scan to see how far along I was and spoke about my abortion options. I chose to go with the sedation aswell just to make things a little mor comfortable.

      A week later Im sitting in the waiting room with my partner 5 other woman and their partners. We got called one by one to be put into our gowns and wait in the recovery area to be called into theatre. There were two nurses who sat with us and put my canular in and spoke a little about what was going to happen. They were lovely and super supportive. I wasn’t too nervous at this point. I would say the canular was actually the worst part about my experience. I’ve had many blood test and canulars before and they don’t hurt just more uncomfortable with me as I have werid veins. They called me into the theatre where a lady sat me on a bed popped my legs on a stool told me to lay back relax and spoke to me about the sedation she was about to put in. With in seconds I felt drowsy but conscious just a little sleepy. I had two woman either side of me one scanning my tummy with an ultra sound., just talking to me about my job whilst the nurse propped my legs up and began the procedure. Honestly I didn’t feel a thing!!! All I felt was as if someone was tapping on the inside of my tummy and that was it through the whole thing! We were just talking and talking and before I knew it it was all over! I couldn’t belive it! I wasnt even thinking about what was going on as the sedation just had me talking away to the two lovely ladies. As they sat me up I felt the slightest of cramps not even enough to call them period pains. I walked back through into the recovery area where I was given some anti nausea medication some antibiotics, a cup of tea and some biscuits. I still had a tiny bit of cramping whilst in recovery but on a scale of 1-10 I would say 3!!! They gave me paracetamol just incase and before I knew it I was dressed and being discharged.
      I had no bleeding at all not even spotting.

      I got home and very sleepy from the sedation so I got a hot water bottle and slept a little in the afternoon. I woke up around 3pm still had the lighest of cramping but only still a 3 or even a 2out of 10. Still no bleeding I couldn’t belive it!
      The next day was as if nothing had ever happened no bleeding no cramping nothing! Back to my usual self.

      Honestly to anyone ever thinking about this option TAKE IT!! Even if you don’t want sedation do it without the sedation. It really is painless and nothing to worry about at all!
      I hope this helps some of you!

      1. morgan

        Do you mean do it with the sedation?

        1. ari

          I’m so grateful to all of you who have submitted your stories. I have just booked my surgical abortion appt for next friday. I was more nervous about the procedure than my decision because I know this is the best option. After reading your positive stories I’m definitely less nervous as I now know what to expect. Thank you !! Thank you and Thank you again!!!

          1. Anon

            I just had a medical aspiration done this morning in the UK via NHS and thought I’d share. I’ve spent 3 weeks waiting for my actual procedure date since my original appointment and spent that time worried sick about the procedure, reading as many stories as I could. I was too scared to do medical as I suffer excruciatingly with my normal day to day pe4iods so just wanted it over with. I had no IV, no sedation of any kind, only painkillers and the local aneathestic. It was nowhere near as bad as I imagined. It took 5 minutes, the 2 nurses are amazing. I did feel some uncomfortable cramps but I was able to breathe through them and they held my hand. I barely felt the shots which were what I was most scared of. My cramps were about a 5/10 for most of it and there was one point where they shot to an 8 for like 2 seconds but then all of a sudden it was done. There wasn’t even a machine they flicked on, it was a plastic suction device so I spent the whole time waiting for the sound of the machine and it never came so I was so surprised when it was done. I have been given a week of antibiotics, toddled off down the hall for my ride home, have devoured a huge breakfast sandwich and I am resting in bed with painkillers, mild discomfort (feels like constipation) and a hot water bottle. So thank you all the ladies for your positive stories, they helped me, and I hope mine helps someone else 🙂

          2. Jenna

            I am so happy to have found this page. I go for a surgical abortion next Friday — I’m roughly 5 weeks pregnant right now. Reading these stories has quelled my anxiety and I feel excited snd confident in my decision, so thank you!

    2. Lemyza

      In about to have mine done in 2 days I’m so terrified I can’t eat or sleep I’m about 5 weeks pregnant. I’m so nervous I’ve read every article watched every video and worst of all the girl at the clinic said I might only have local anesthetic. Not only I’m I mortified I’m sad I have to do this but I know it’s the right Choice the man I’m with I shouldn’t be with hes abusive and not someone I see the rest of my life with. I keep thinking about going to the clinic the days seem forever and I can’t imagine the pain. I’m so scared.

      1. Luka

        I wanted to share my experience as well since I felt more prepared reading these comments prior to my own experience. I had my surgical abortion yesterday, I was about 7 weeks. Unfortunately I had to drive so I was unable to take any sedation. I would recommend that if you have the choice, but I was fine without it. The procedure itself was very quick, but intense and there was a lot of cramping. I felt fine after just a little shaken, the nurses were super sweet. They took my vitals and then I was able to leave. I was fine for a while, just mild cramping. Once the numbing medicine that they injected wore off, it got really bad. It was like 7 hours later so I was surprised. The cramping was so intense, it was almost unbearable. I was only able.to lay in bed and shake, had the chills and sweats, felt like it was true labor. They did not give me a narcotic prescription to take home, but I highly recommend you go somewhere where they do. Aleve and Tylenol did not cut it. The cramps were severe 10/10 for about 4 hours. I also had several diarrhea. I called and they said that was normal but if it didn’t stop after a few hours to call back. I also had very little bleeding which was surpirisng considering how severe the cramps were. Once the cramping stopped I just felt really tired. I have had some mild cramping today but nothing to bad. My advice would.be make sure you have adequate pain medication for when you get home. Also, if you could have someone supportive with you at home that helps- I did not and it was very scary. You will get thru it though, I feel stronger than ever, like I could go thru anything after that. It was the right decision for me, as I have a 5 year old and had an awful pregnancy and delivery with him, and pre existing conditions as well as advanced maternal age. Just know you will get thru it, and you will be ok!

      2. Melissa

        Hello I hope everything went well im schedule for a vacuum aspiration Wednesday im scared because of the thought of being awake while everything going on idk how I will manage but I can’t handle anymore kids right now im really sick and all ready have 3 to put up with I need some advice plz

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