A Positive Abortion Story to Give Others Strength and Hope

Note: The Exhale Pro-Voice After-Abortion Stories Hub includes people’s stories of their experiences and emotions, exactly as they have written them in. We do not edit these stories at all, and the content that follows this message is exactly as we received it. We know that people’s experiences are complex, and these stories reflect the many emotions they may be feeling after their abortions. From relief to grief, and everything in between, and all at the same time, we’re here for you.

Submitted by: F.M.

For all the women reading this, I hope this story gives you hope and strength because I promise, the process may be a lot easier than anticipated. Below is my story of truly a very positive experience, so please keep reading.

When I found out, I was terrified…. Being someone who has never taken any medications, undergone surgeries etc the experience itself was the most scary for me. I would go into anxiety and panic attacks. I knew right now this was the best decision for me and I was blessed there was a way, but would I survive it?

Initially I was going to choose the aspiration method, but doing all my research and knowing I wanted no drowsy medications, no surgeries and for it to happen in the privacy of my home naturally, I finally decided the medicinal route was the best for me, so I changed my appointment. I got to the clinic and OF COURSE you read all the side effects, and I thought oh my, how will I do this… my body has been nurtured all my life, will it survive this? She scariest images ran through my head. What about the pain? They give you Oxycodone and Tylenol 3’s as a precaution and my heart was racing thinking wow this is going to be bad, especially because of some stories I read — BUT I PROMISE KEEP READING — my experience is hope for all the women out there reading this. I promised I would post if the experience went well, and it did! Someone else’s story is what gave me hope.

I got taken in at the clinic, they did a blood work, vaginal ultrasound and told me according to their counting methods I was 7 weeks. They told me how to take the medications and where I could pick them up and a counselor also spoke to me, making sure this was my decision, which it 100% was.

I went home and took the first pill right away (Mifepristone, the progesterone blocker), and was terrified even to take this. Thinking, “will I feel anything?” HONESTLY, I felt nothing… just a little nausea, but I am pretty sure that was due to the pregnancy, as it was there the last couple of days.

26 hours later, losing sleep, preparing like no end, candles, pain medications, etc etc… I look back and smile in gratitude and awe because truly half of it was not even needed. Half an hour before I took an anti-nausea pill and 2 Advils extra strength. I was convinced I would not need the stronger meds… I then took the set of 4 pills (put on the side of my cheeks, Misoprostol) and waited… almost meditating and saying all the positive things I had constantly repeated till this day… my heart racing….

I know this sounds crazy but the worst part was the sore throat I had for a few hours because of the pills, and half an hour in I started feeling very mild cramps, that’s all , no other side effects! I went to the bathroom and the bleeding had started. I kept thinking this can’t be it can it? A hot water bag on my belly was my best friend, and my cramps maybe got to a 3/10 the whole time and I only used 2 Advils when needed and nothing else. I realized I stressed for nothing! I bled very heavy for about 10 hours with huge clots coming out and what I felt at one point being the sac (greyish/yellow tissue). The bleeding was very heavy for one day, regular for the next with the cramping maybe getting to a 1 or even 0 out of 10 for the following days… YES! And the spotting lasted quite a while about 2 weeks.

I went for a check up a week later and they confirmed It was successful!

Women out there, please if you know this is what is right for you, this story is hope and an example that the process is not half as bad as we anticipate. Sending love and happiness to whoever reads this story, and I hope this gives you the strength. Know you are a warrior and everything is going to be okay!

You deserve nonjudgmental
after-abortion support.

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10 responses to “A Positive Abortion Story to Give Others Strength and Hope”

  1. Jade

    I was so glad I came across this page and your story

    I took the pills yesterday and will explain my experience below as well to give others the help and hopefully reassurance they’re looking for.

    I went for my 11 week scan last Wednesday and unfortunately was told that the baby was measuring at 7 weeks and had no heartbeat.

    From there we were given our options and we chose medical management.

    I was absolutely terrified, I couldn’t believe I was going to have to go through this but I came across this story about an hour before I was due to take the last 4 pills (I’d took the first one already 2 days before) and it helped me so so much.

    After the first pill I had some very light bleeding and a couple clots over the 2 days, I took the 2nd lot of pills and the cramping started almost immediately, I’d say within 30 minutes I was getting dull period pains not super painful. This stayed as a constant dull ache and then turned into more “come and go” pains but the same strength. About 2-3 hours after taking the pills I then started with stronger pain that again came and went and felt more like contractions, they were stronger but not intolerable. I had those pains for around 20-30 minutes. The thing that scared me the most that I hadn’t known would happen is that I had a “burst” inside my cervix (this is completely normal and not painful at all, more like what I expect waters breaking to feel like – I have no children) almost immediately after the burst I felt a big gush and got really nauseous and threw up, when I went to the toilet I could see the yolk sak (sorry if this it TMI, I just really wish I’d know to expect this), it was no more than 5/10 minutes later that I passed the rest and fully miscarried.

    It was in no way as bad as I expected, I think the majority of experiences are like this but no one feels obliged to go online and talk about a “positive” experience with these things, people only feel compelled to share negative or scary stories as it’s therapeutic for the person sharing

    For anyone reading this about to go through it, you can do it, you are strong and you will get through this.
    Sending so much love xx

  2. H

    I had the same experience. I worked myself up so bad before it and overall it was a 3/10 pain level. For anyone about to do this, get a Heat pad. 2 Tylenols and 1 ibuprofen an hour before you put those 4 pills in your cheeks is the way to go. Good luck!

  3. Mina

    Your story sounds exactly like mine. I was 7 weeks yesterday’. I took the first pill at the clinic. And today I took the rest, I was feeling anxious. Feeling my throat hurt.. I’m glad I stumble on your story.. thank you… I feel more calm reading this… nobody besides my partner knows we took this route so it’s been pretty rough not being able to share my emotions and now pain with anyone else… thank you.

    1. Jordan

      Oh my gosh thank you for this. I am going in for a medication abortion on Friday and that will put me at about 6 weeks 5 days. I don’t know what to expect and I hate taking medication and I’m just scared. I’ve read horror stories as well about woman being rushed to the hospital the worse pain they’ve ever felt saying it was unbearable. So thank you, thank you sweet soul for sharing your positive experience. I’m so beyond grateful to have come across this. You have no idea how much I needed to see this. <3

    2. Chica

      You are the only person who had a sore throat like me! I was so paranoid! Thank you for this!

  4. Mimi

    Currently sitting on the toilet trying to hear positive stories like this. I just started bleeding. Everything else has been diarrhea…pain wise…its been maybe like a 3 so far. Let’s see how this goes. (Heating pads are the best.)

    1. Amy

      Hi Mimi, I hope it went well for you? I’m current awaiting my pills in the post and am very nervous.

  5. Christi

    I go tomorrow. I am still scared!!! I hope my story will be just like yours!

    1. Dem

      Mine was the same, i worried stressed for over a week about going through it all. It just feels like strong period pains but taking the tablets and resting with a hot water bottle helped me so much!

  6. vanessa L

    Thank you for this, I have my appointment tomorrow and have worked myself up so much reading things and watching videos. Though I do not know how I will feel, this gives me hope it will not be as scary as I imagine. -Vanessa

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