Submitted by: Sara
I had an abortion 8 years ago. I never told my parents… I barely told anyone. I have always been terrified of disappointing my parents. The experience of having an abortion caused me a lot of trauma and really affected my self-esteem for a while. I eventually worked through it, changed as a person, and healed.
I’m now a mom of a 1 year old and am happily married. I have recently been contemplating telling my mom about my abortion because of encouragement from life-coaches. Their argument is that I should lean into resistance, and that fear and resistance is how we grow.
Part of me believes this to be true and thinks that maybe I could deepen my relationship with my mom if I tell her, but part of me wonders — why am I telling her? For my own benefit? And why does she need to know? This was my choice, my body, and it was an intimate medical experience. I am pro-voice, and I do believe in the power of sharing stories, but I feel sick to my stomach thinking about telling her. Do I really need to open up this can of worms again?
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