We at Exhale believe the answer is yes. It is possible to be both pro-voice and angry as hell.
When abortion is in the news, our textline receives an uptick in calls, and our callers express a wide range of feelings about their own abortion experiences and the future of reproductive healthcare in the United States. We are resolved to support everyone’s voices and stories.
With the most recent abortion ban passed by the Alabama legislature last night, and now awaiting signature from the Governor, we know that our callers will be affected. And our peer counselors are ready to listen, to validate their feelings, and to provide non-judgmental support.
An abortion ban, a “fetal heartbeat” bill, or a “later term abortion” bill all send a clear message of shame, intending to instill fear in individuals who may be pregnant or considering pregnancy. Exhale’s mission is to end the stigma directed towards people who have abortions and their partners, friends and allies. Although we have made great strides, our work is far from finished.
What can you do?
- Let people know about the Exhale textline.
- Start a conversation in your community about abortion. Use our People’s Supper Guide to get started.
- Make a donation to Exhale to expand the pro-voice support through extended hours on the textline or for our new texting platform.
- Tell your abortion story through our community blog and/or in an anonymous letter to Alabama State Senators. You can write to them here: 11 S Union St # 738, Montgomery, AL 36130.
- Train with us to further support those with abortion experiences, by becoming a textline counselor or a Pro-Voice Ambassador.
Know that Exhale is here for you, for your story, for your feelings about abortion. If you want to channel your anger into a response with us – we welcome you to join us. We realize you may not be experiencing anger – that is ok too.
Remember to breathe, to do one good thing for yourself today (a walk, journaling, meditation, time with a friend), and know that even though it may sometimes feel untrue – you are not alone. There are more people who care and want goodness for you and for all humans than the opposite.
Let’s continue to do the brave work of providing support for all those with abortion experiences.

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